




私もASHはNANO-MUGEN FES'08で見たのを覚えてます。すごいかっこ良かったし、デビューしてから多分20年近くかそれ以上経ってるのに変わらぬ人気。そんな人に指導してもらえてるなんて本当に彼女の強さを感じます。だからアリサちゃんのブログを読んだり頑張りをパパ伝いに聞くたびに、本当に尊敬しちゃいます。うちの子にも、ハーフな事をネガティブに考えるのではなく、アリサちゃんのようにドコまでも強みに、ポジティブに成長して欲しいな、、と祈る今日この頃。そんな意味から彼女のブログもいつも愛読してます。興味がある方は是非遊びに行って見て下さいね。http://www.ajpage.com/my-blog 



Little Poo is getting ready for her upcoming Sports Day by practicing running and dancing. Her mom and dad aren’t so much sports people as book people and though she enjoys running it’s really more like skipping. Poo’s daycare teachers never treat her differently due to being half-Japanese, but since the dance practice has begun for the Sports Day they’ve started to say things like how she’s good at rhythm and dancing but inferring that it must be due to her non-Japanese heritage. It’s true that she loves dancing and it’s probably due to her daddy dancing with her, but even when she was really little she would dance to the opening theme song of TV shows and so, yes, there are probably some genetic factors. Her dad use to perform on stage and his mom and biological father both worked in theater. In my case, I sing off-key and my sense if rhythm isn’t that great, but I love watching her dance. When she’s dancing like crazy, people often say, “of course she’s different” and I realize that being mixed often means that people don’t see your accomplishments for what they are - they just mark it down to your genes. She’s cute because she’s mixed, she likes dancing because she’s mixed, she can sing because she’s mixed… What about the mixed kids who aren’t like that? They are suddenly not good enough? When mixed-nationals talk on TV about their problems, I listen closely. The more that I think about it, the more I realize that there isn’t one thing that mixed kids should automatically be better at. Looking at mixed kids and foreigners with a warped lens and fitting them all into these categories is something I have to keep reminding myself not to do. I don’t want Poo to set her goals and dreams so high (global-scale) so that she doesn’t even worry about such things. We can’t decide her future for her of course. The daughter of a friend of the family is a role model in this regard. Arisa is English/Japanese and after meeting ASH vocalist Tim Wheeler backstage at a concert and having dinner afterwards she was inspired to become a singer/songwriter. She’s only 13, but has a very mature voice and it’s amazing that she writes her own music. I saw ASH at a music festival back in ’08 and they were great. It’s been 20 years since their debut and they are still rocking. Arisa must be doing something right to have such a mentor. Every time I read her blog or hear about her through Hubby, I really respect her drive. I hope that my daughter doesn't look at her mixed heritage as a handicap but, like Arisa, develop into someone strong and positive. I really enjoy her blog and if anyone’s interested they should check it out here: http://www.ajpage.com/my-blog. I personally hope Poo becomes an international lawyer and when I asked her dad, he said “novelist”. "English or Japanese?” I asked. “Either one,” he said. Silly parents’ dreams. Anyway, Little Poo is starting to notice that she is different and we will try to raise her to be positive about it. During the morning song at daycare, she’s the only one dancing and so she’s been relegated to the back row. But not to worry. Mommy loves her and her uniqueness very, very much.
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